Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Last Class/Service Learning

This last class was mostly taken over by talking about our research and how it's been going but this led to a good tangent where we discussed a lot about GMOs and eventually it made a full circle back to something from earlier in the semester in Katie Zanto's class when Jaynie brought up Stolen Harvest. I have been seeing connections a lot between my classes and life ever since I transferred up here and I really enjoy the feeling of connecting those dots and seeing connections where I previously didn't. I always enjoy the classroom because no matter what I at least learn one thing new every single session and I can't say that for all my classes. 

For my service learning, which I'll be doing next semester, Katie Zanto told me about Food Hubs in Truckee where they have a geodesic dome and are attempting to grow some food up here and also bring farm fresh food up from the foothills for distribution. I'm hoping to get a feel for how the logistics of inventory and distribution of food take place and end my service learning with some sort of procedure in the form of a pamphlet or something that can be used to inform institutions about the benefits of obtaining food locally and farm fresh and also how to go about switching to a program like Food Hubs. I've already contacted Susie and she's really excited to be getting help. Jaynie is also volunteering there and has started and Kaila is thinking about it as well.

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