Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Snow Day !!!!!

1. What is your definition of social sustainability?

Social sustainability to me is a societal structure that gives opportunity to all who seek it along with fair and equitable treatment. It is a system which preserves our resources and our populations. 

2. In your own words what is social justice?

Social justice is when justice has been served to people who have been wronged, typically by business, and it has come to correlate itself with environmental issues as those are normally the most immediate and imaginable threats. Social justice tends to be brought about to grassroots activism and local involvement.

3. What is the biggest lesson you've learned from this class so far this semester?

The biggest lesson I've learned from this class so far is how difficult a time some people have discussing issues that have stigma attached to them. There have been multiple classes where some people have not said one word.

4. What question(s) would you like us to answer next semester?

Ohhh, Ty just clarified this for me. I think you mean for the next part of the semester? It would be good to get into the roots of racism. When did it start? Is it determinable or has it always been around?

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