For my project in this class I will
be doing the research paper and I basically want to expose Monsanto for what it
does. I want to start with the basics of genetically modified organisms - What
is it? How do they do it? What are the consequences, if any? Etc. From here I
will have to explain a bit about the food system and how it works in the United
States with its conglomeration at the top and the effects the subsidies the
United States pays to farmers have on the system – basically the corn economy.
This will hopefully tie into an economic discussion where I can discuss how our
conventional farming system is better or worse than if we had a sustainable
farming system. I will also talk about social health in this paper and
hopefully manage to tie that into economy as well since healthcare is a huge
economic burden. Of course all of this is very political as well because
Monsanto has infiltrated our government with the good-ol’ revolving door
between big business and government and with all of their lobbyists too. I
already have some sources in mind, such as the documentaries “Future of Food,”
“Scientists Under Attack,” and possibly “Food, Inc.,” “Fresh,” “Fast Food
Nation,” and “King Corn.” I plan on diving more thoroughly into the studies
provided to me by the Kushi Institute and will be searching for others myself.
I have seen a lot of information lately claiming the benefits of fruits,
vegetables, and basic (instead of acidic) diets but those will need to be
verified by tracking down the source or finding another avenue with the same
information. I’ll hopefully come across a few books so I’m hoping the book
Emily has will be of some use and I also think Fair Food will have
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