Wednesday, March 7, 2012


For my term paper, I am interested in writing about suppressed and alternative healthcare techniques and remedies as well as the idea of food as medicine. The health care systems in the United States, starting with Kaiser Permanente, became for profit. I would like to show that they are happy with keeping us “sick” because it makes them money which is why antidepressants that have been proven to be useless are pushed to the public anyway.
            There have been various cancer treatments in the past that have been documented and I would like to delve deeper to seek the truth to the works of rumors as in Royal R. Rife and his electromagnetic frequencies and more recent ones in Gregg Braden and the “ether field,” along with researchers from the University of Alberta, Canada as well as UCLA. I’m sure I will uncover more as research moves forward.
            Foods also have documented powerful remediation effects such as lemons, cayenne pepper, and juicing.
            I would like to discuss with you further to get a better heading on this as I changed topics because my original was too technical for me.

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